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At Rishton Methodist, we want to inspire artists of the future by providing children with an understanding about the work of artists both past and present – locally, nationally and internationally. We want to nurture the spatiality of each and every child, providing the clear message that spirituality is unique for everyone and art can help us both understand and express this. 

Children will develop practical knowledge of how to create art and design, for example by learning the methods and techniques that artists and designers use. They will build theoretical knowledge of the tools, materials and the history of art and design. They will acquire disciplinary knowledge of the concept of art itself, such as the ways it is judged, valued and evaluated – always being open to ‘achieving more’ (Jeremiah 17:7-8). 

Through a high-quality art and design curriculum which sequences the knowledge that children learn they will build, develop and improve skills as they move through the Early Years and KS1 and KS2. 

The children will focus on:

Practical knowledge

Children will develop practical knowledge through the art and design curriculum. This knowledge is necessary for when they make and create art. Practical knowledge will allow children to make choices based on what they know about the limits and possibilities of materials and media.

Theoretical knowledge

Children will develop theoretical knowledge enabling them to make connections between art’s past, present and future. Pupils will know about great artists and designers. They will understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

This will include:

  • meaning and interpretations
  • materials and processes
  • journeys and connections through time  

Children will build an accurate impression of the range of art and design work that humans have produced. This will include Western and non-Western traditions of art and design.

Disciplinary knowledge

It is important for children to learn disciplinary knowledge because art is not fixed. It is fluid and dynamic. It changes through encounters and exchanges with new technologies, new ways of thinking and new opportunities. When children learn disciplinary knowledge’, they participate in discussions about big ideas in art. They explore, among other things, concepts of quality, value and purpose:

  • how aesthetic judgements are formed and claimed

  • how art is studied
  • how to participate in the discourses of artists, scholars and critics

In each year group, children revisit these areas and progressively develop their understanding and skills as they move up the school. Each unit of work has a focus artist or technique, and the children start by evaluating, critiquing and exploring the creative aspects of this work, using it as inspiration for their own artwork to express their creativity and practise the skills they acquire.

Through the Early Years and Primary journey they will challenge, develop, and build upon the ideas and skills previously acquired. Children will have regular opportunities to work with related content to help them learn that content in the long term.

Though a high-quality education and a strong Methodist grounding our children will exemplify our vision of ‘rise up… take courage and do it’ (Ezra 10:4). Together learning and loving with both God and our global community. 


At Rishton Primary, children have the opportunity to record their learning in a variety of ways, which is recorded within art books. Evidence of the learning is dependent on the lesson outcome, year group and the knowledge and skills being developed. This can be in the form of extended writing, photographs and other art and design activities and speech bubble comments relating to the learning.


Teachers assess children’s learning throughout each lesson to ensure understanding of skills and knowledge before building onto future learning. Teachers use a range of questioning and retrieval practice to assess children against the aims of the lesson. In addition, children will also complete end point assessments at the end of each unit to assess their substantive and disciplinary knowledge.

Subject Leaders

Subject leaders will conduct deep dives, which include lesson drop ins, pupil interviews and book looks to measure the impact of our teaching, based on how much children can remember. Subject leaders will meet with SLT and will moderate the work and monitoring outcomes to ensure that standards are exceeding the expectations.


Updated September 2023