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British Values

Our Fundamental British Values Statement

The Department of Education requires primary schools ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of :

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  •  Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

At Rishton Methodist Primary School these sit within the context of a church school where we are committed to promoting distinctively Methodist Christian values, which we strive to live out and teach day by day.  Our core values of Service, Generosity, Justice, Forgiveness, Friendship and Respect underpin all that we do in school, and in our local and wider communities.

Through our daily acts of Collective Worship, and our broad curriculum, we actively strive to support our pupils to “develop wisdom, have hope, live well in community and demonstrate dignity” (British Values in Church Schools, Pamela Draycott, 2016). This prepares our pupils for life in modern Britain and enables them to flourish as children of God. We also encourage all of our children to develop a growth mindset; persevering when things get tough and never giving up through our school motto of 'Rise up...take courage and do it' (Ezra 10:4). 

What does this look like at Rishton Methodist School?


updated content coming soon

Rule of Law

updated content coming soon

Individual liberty

updated content coming soon

Mutual respect and tolerance

This is a fundamental aspect of our values.  All are welcome at our school and all have a part to play and a contribution to make.

We have our uniform to show that we belong and that we care about who we are and who we represent.  Beyond this, we are all individuals with different strengths, hopes, talents and dreams, and we wholeheartedly celebrate this diversity as a school.

As a school with a Christian Foundation, we are fully aware  that some, who are part of our school family, practice a different faith,  or indeed have no personal faith commitment. All are welcome here, and we learn from each other and respect and celebrate the differences which exist between us. We are all different, but together we make a difference.